Alina Smalinskiene
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania
Alina Smalinskiene is Scientific Researcher at the laboratory of Molecular Cardiology of Institute of Cardiology, Lithuania Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and Associate professor in the Lithuania Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. A.Smalinskiene received her undergraduate training in Biology at Vilnius University at Nature Faculty and the Ph. D. degree in Biology from Kaunas University of Medicine. A. Smalinskiene has accumulated research experience of genetic epidemiological lipid metabolism disorders. A. Smalinskiene was a supervisor of project funded by the State studies and science foundation and economic entity. 2010-2 014 she worked on three Research Council of Lithuania projects. She is an author and co-author of 31 scientific articles. A. Smalinskiene also participated in 60 conferences, where she presented the results of her work. She participates in the teaching of genetics and cell biology to graduate students.
Abstract : TLR4 gene polymorphism and inflammatory response in chronic periodontitis